Monday 30 March 2009

Birthday tea

Today is my youngest son's 17th birthday but we had the tea yesterday with Grandparents etc.. I saw this idea for a cake and decided to try it. It's not as good as I had hoped it would be but it tasted OK!
The lady at the cake shop said I had to put the wires in a little plastic container which you push into the cake or I would probably poison my family! So I did, but I think it wouldn't have hurt to push them straight into the cake!...and would have looked better. It's meant to look like an explosion of fireworks...if you look back on my snowgoosey blog ( or use the link to the right of this) you will see that my boys are quite fond of explosions! They blew up a model house in the garden just after Christmas.


Louise said...

This cake is brilliant! I wish I could have been as creative for my oldest son's 17th birthday which was just a couple of days before you post. I will have to remember to give it a try for my middle son's 16th birthday in a couple of months. Hopefully I'll be able to find the dolly mix on this side of the pond - not always an easy task!
PS - thank you for being the first (and only at this point) person to comment on my blog! It made my day and I am sorry I didn't notice it earlier to thank you sooner.

Pat Spiller said...

The cake is lovely and inviting to look at....and I am certain, delicious as well. In fact, I like this cake better than the neighbor's cake! Purple icing......not too sure???? Love your silvery white icing. And by the way, I am enjoying my visit to your blog -- I came by way of Terry Hamblin's blog. Pat (Maine, USA)