Friday 13 March 2009

Mair's quilts.

These are quilts that I have made in the past, I just piled them up to take the photo and am shocked at how old and shabby some of them are looking now, the oldest one I made 28 years ago! Several more quilts have been given away to friends and family, the furthest away is in New Zealand!
Over time I will take a picture of each one and put it on the blog along with currant works in progress.

This is my favourite. While clearing out my Mother-in-Laws home after she had moved to a rest home I found lots of old embroidered tray cloth's, napkins, tablecloths, etc and as some were a little threadbare I decided to use what I could to make this quilt for her to use on her bed. By the time I had finished it she was in hospital and was not allowed to use it, and sadly she died last Easter Monday never having used it. She had however seen it and loved it.

This was also my M-i-L's. I made this for Mair one Christmas and she did have this with her in the rest home. It's a real scrappy quilt, just made out of leftovers.


jovaliquilts said...

Hope you enjoy your new blog -- I think it's great to have a separate one for crafts. I make lots of Project Linus quilts, all with donated fabrics. It's a challenge but lots of fun, and I think sometimes more interesting to be forced to deal with what you have. Enjoy making recycled quilts!

Janet said...

Thank you for your comment. Like you I am archiving my past quilts along what I'm currently working on. Thanks for separating your blogs. I sometimes find it difficult to scan through other interests when I'm trying to follow other quilters. I will add you to my list. I find it incredible that I am meeting fellow quilters all over the world.

happyone said...

Your quilts are beautiful!!
Sad that your mother-in-law didn't get to use that wonderful quilt you made her, but at least she did get to see it.

Rose said...

I think I am really going to enjoy your blog...Mary at Faith, Fabrics and Photos blog gave me the link to it.