Friday 16 April 2010

Latest textile pictures and a late Christmas present!

This is the latest completed textile picture, inspired by a photo of a sunset. Completed by hand yesterday evening.
This morning, a fresh start. Even though it isn't very warm I feel inspired to do a beachy summer picture! This is only a start and I will no doubt change this alot before the final result.
At last, it's arrived! The postman knocked the door, Wrecks went crazy but my book is finally here!
My son gave me a book token for Christmas but the book has been a long time coming but at last it came.
I ripped the packaging off, ......but didn't open it until I had made a cup of tea, went into the lounge with the book and a cuppa, sat by the window and lost myself in all the gorgeousness of the book.


HappyK said...

Oh I'm glad you started posting here again. I love to see what your projects are.
I like my made by blog too, to keep a record of the things I make. I started it mostly for myself so I don't feel pressured into having to post in it all that often.

brightandnew said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the beach huts when they are finished. I love these textile pictures that you make.

Von said...


Mary said...

LOL...isn't it wonderful to sit down with these gorgeous quilt books and dream that we will make a quilt that looks like that some day? For is dreaming, but I do so love looking at all the beauty. I think your little landscapes are wonderful and I have won't to do something like that for so long and just can't seem to get up the nerve to start. I wish I had that real art talent that just tells you what you should do and it works...sigh.