Monday 28 February 2011

Doodling across the generations!

When I was a student nurse in the 70's I had this doodle art poster stuck on the wall of my room in the Nurse's Home, and I used to invite people to colour bits in and then sign it round the edge or somewhere.
It got quite competitive as you can see if you read the comments of my friend Jan! (Click on the picture to enlarge it)
Well, I found it again whilst de-cluttering the other day and have stuck it up on the kitchen door and guess what....the next generation have started to doodle too!
I'm going to leave it there with a box of felt tips on the kitchen table and maybe I'll frame it when it's complete and enjoy the memories!


happyone said...

I did one of them once. It was all kinds of different dolls. I haven't thought of that in years.

Goosey said...

Perhaps you still have it too and can get it out again!